Is how I'm picturing myself with this PR blog over the past few weeks. Many things going on in the art wrold for me and in the personal world so that I have neglected you my dear readers for which I apologize. Many thanks again to my good friend Jane Gassner for her guest post. She is one smart cookie and a fabulous writer and I'm a lucky blogger to have her post for me!
I'm now in Portland Maine, a world away from Sacramento but close to the heart of my childhood home and a place I'm thinking of re-locating to. So, just to call in yet another favor from Jane, I'm posting this link from her Tweet to me today. It's a very timely and well written post that applies to all of us who have dance from one career to another.
Should we errant bloggers get a temporary B on our foreheads when we ignore our posts? Maybe I'm only thinking this since I'm in "Scarlet Letter" territory.
Thanks for the article..