Friday, April 2, 2010

News from Outer Space?

Ever wonder how news hounds track their prey, I mean get the information for their stories?  Apparently it's not just the police scanner anymore according to an article in Media Post.  Take a guess, come on!  If  you were to say social media, you would be partly right.  In a national survey by Cision and Don Bates of The George Washington University, it shows that 40% of journalists think social media is somewhat important to them as they do their jobs.   

While this isn't a huge majority, one must remember that the average age of the news room is getting younger as older works such as myself retire or are laid off.  This is not to say that only young people take to social media, but they use it more I think.  

What can this mean for PR practitioners?  To my way of thinking, it means that PR people need to not only get their stories to journalists but also to post them at social media sites.

I'll be on hiatus for the next several weeks as I'm going back to Bacau, Romania for the Star Gala produced by Teatrul Bacovia, a marvelous municipal theatre in that city.  If you'd like to follow my adventures, please go to my other blog.

See you back here in May!

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